5 Ways to Feel Like a Kid Again This Summer

Do you remember how much you used to look forward to summer as a kid? We’d look forward to it all year because it meant no homework, not having to wake up early and go to school and getting to play every day at summer camp. It meant getting to be kids.

As adults, we may have lost some of that excitement. But just because we have to go to work doesn’t mean we can’t still experience some of that summer magic. Here are five things you can do during the warmer months to delight in the season and feel young at heart.

  1. Do something outdoors. Get active and remember what it’s like to be bouncing around outside with energy. Go play with your dog in the park — if you don’t have one offer to walk a neighbour’s or a friend’s dog. Get in a fun workout by playing Frisbee with your kids or nieces and nephews, or by taking a long bike ride and getting lost in your city. As a bonus, you’ll get to soak up some vitamin D, something most Canadians don’t get enough of.
  2. Do something adventurous. What could make you feel more like a kid again than doing something outside your comfort zone? Think about your biggest fear and conquer it. Afraid of heights? Go skydiving. Terrified of speaking in public? Join a Toastmasters club, which helps members improve their communication, public speaking and leadership skills. Adventure means different things to different people — find something brave and daring to do and scratch it off your bucket list.
  3. Do something crafty. Summer is the perfect time to get crafty by drawing inspiration from nature in its peak or making something with the natural materials you can now access, like twigs and flowers. Whether it’s sitting outside and sketching your surroundings or baking your first ever apple pie from scratch, impress your friends with something new.
  4. Do something good. Part of youthful innocence and wonder is the wholesome desire to help others, without any expectation of getting something in return. Return to this feeling by supporting a charity that works with children and moms—check out the work UNICEF is doing with support from Kiwanis and the Government of Canada to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus, a disease that kills one newborn baby every 11 minutes.
  5. You’ve worked hard. Don’t feel the need to cram every free minute with fun activities. Sometimes just relaxing with the people you care about is the best way to feel young again.

You can find more ways to help others at unicef.ca/eliminate.

Source: www.newscanada.com