How to Predict Future Body Aches and Pain Now

Do you ever look at the bottom of your shoes? Experts say shoe treads can tell a lot about the way you walk and can even help predict the development of pain in your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and possibly your back.

“Most people don’t think about their feet and lower limbs until they start to hurt, but shoe wear patterns can indicate possible issues before pain develops,” explains Kevin Fraser, president of the Pedorthic Association of Canada and a Canadian certified pedorthist. “The wear patterns on your shoes illustrate the repetitive motion of your feet and lower limbs, so they show if you have structural concerns that may lead to the development of pain and mobility problems.”

Fraser says symmetrical wear on both shoes is normal, particularly along the edge of the heel and the big toe. However, it’s concerning if one shoe is worn more than the other, the heel is worn excessively, or there is a localized area of wear. Excessive wear along the outer side or inner edges is another warning sign.

In addition to examining your tread wear, Fraser recommends placing your shoes on a flat surface. The shoes should lie flat. If they tip inwards or outwards or the sides lean in or out, you should consider booking a consultation with a foot expert as you may have a biomechanical abnormality such as muscle imbalance, a leg length difference, or feet that roll too much inwards or outwards.

Healthy feet roll gently from the outside of the heel inwards towards the big toe, so the arch absorbs the impact of each step to cushion the ankles, knees and hips. But if you notice anything concerning when you read your shoes, don’t be alarmed — a Canadian Certified Pedorthist can help manage most foot and lower limb issues with appropriate footwear selection or custom-made foot orthotics.

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