Moving Through Shadows
I have daily battles with myself. It’s the battle between me and my shadow. My stubborn ego. My relentless, unnerving, out-of-whack ‘other’ self that is persistent on keeping me down while my free-spirited, awesome, soulful self, demands to rise! To conquer all. To change the world. To become what I was born to be!
This is a battle that is often fought in silence. Though I’m vocal on social media, I don’t dare journal my thousands of thoughts and voice out my battle and all the insecurities that go along with it!
Here is the deal. Your Facebook friends like your quotes. Your Twitter friends re-tweet your images. Your Instagram followers like your selfie. The image we have of ourselves on social media is generally one kind of an image. The someone that seems to have it all together even if once in a while they voice a problem or issue out loud. Rarely does social media speak to the depth of the person or the day-to-day barriers he/she goes through. No one wants to look like a ‘basket-case’.
So we hide. Hide behind a mask of doubt and pain. It is no wonder people are feeling more and more lonely and isolated. However, there is a glimmer of hope. There is a light in the darkness.
There would be no way we would know our own strength if we didn’t face the dark in us. The dark part is only a larger lesson in the school of life. The key is to FACE the darkness. Not hide. Not pretend. Open up to a trusted person. Meditate. Do yoga. Go inwards. Allow yourself to heal.
As you heal, you become stronger. The light shines brighter. The darkness then becomes something you can speak openly about, but not feel totally consumed or hurt by. Bit by bit, your world changes as you begin to shift towards the light.
So who wins the battle in my world? It’s different everyday. It’s different every moment. But what I do know is that my strength and daily practice of going inwards allows me to keep grounded. And that makes this journey all worthwhile.