How Artisanal Food Makers Are Changing The Culinary Industry
Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ones — this statement holds true for everything from fashion to food. That’s why Triscuit hosted an exclusive event to announce that they would flash fund 55 artisanal food makers with simple but brilliant ideas.
The Triscuit Maker Fund donated $250,000 to over 50 independent food makers’ campaigns on the crowd funding site Indiegogo to help support small businesses reach their goals. Innovative projects that received funding include microbreweries, food trucks, farms and more across Canada and the United States.
One of these projects is the creative Cold Brew Trike, which is owned by entrepreneur Rachel Mowat and features iced coffee and tea on wheels. Mowat’s dreams came true earlier this year when she received $10,000 in flash funding.
“When I received the notification that someone had funded my entire campaign I couldn’t believe my eyes,” she says. “Being involved in this experience not only allowed me to purchase two mobile beverage trikes, but helped me realize that inspired creativity can start with something simple.”
COURTESY:News Canada