Literary Summary: Who is Harji Kaur?

Born into an extremely traditional South Asian family in North America, Harji is given a common but seemingly meaningless middle name, Kaur, which translates to Princess.  With enormous outlandish expectations from her suffocating culture, she soon realizes she is far from the title she’s given at birth.

From the moment Harji was born into this world as a South Asian female, preparation was underway for her future as a suitable wife for an arranged marriage to a proper South Asian boy from a respectable family.  Attempts to loosen the reigns from an extremely traditional thinking father was met with defeat at every turn and she carried forward with her family’s wishes.  Unfortunately, the life that her father had envisioned for her and had prepared so long for, unravelled right before his eyes.

Thwarted from her family’s attempts at traditional arrangements, Harji sets out to find love on her terms.   While in the process of freeing herself from the invisible binds that hold her to South Asian traditions and obligations, she leads into a series of depraved and abusive relationships which only leaves her broken and hollow.  In the process, she seeks out guidance and answers from the occult.

After accepting she is unable to completely break free from the culture, she begins a titillating double life on the side.  Through nonsensical circumstances she is forced to find self-worth and her true self, while at the same time she begins to unveil her innate power by accidentally tapping into the mysterious spiritual world.

With a combination of sizzling sex scenes, offbeat drama and light sprinkles of humour, follow her unparalleled heartbreaking story.

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