Simple Strategies For Natural Stress and Anxiety Relief
Stress management is a term that can have many unsavory meanings. A lot of people are surprised by this idea, but the reality is that no one wants to actually manage their stress. They would far better prefer to find ways of alleviating it so that they can enjoy peaceful and content lifestyles and overall mood balance. Sadly, consumers often turn to pharmaceutical products in order to obtain this relief. These treatments do not resolve the underlying causes of chronic anxiety and stress and are instead, usually designed to mute the symptoms of these ailments only. Fortunately, there are a number of safe and effective ways to naturally improve your mindset and many of these strategies do not entail any uncomfortable side effects.
One of the best ways to limit stress and anxiety is to simply recognize that these emotions don’t work for you. They actually compound your problems by preventing you from taking action when you really should. It is hard to make clear and focused decisions that are actually to your benefit. People tend to freeze up when they feel anxious and can only watch their problems become worse.
The best advice for those who suffer from anxiety is to take care of the things that require action and to stop worrying about the things that they can’t change. Acceptance can make it easier to let things go or to simply be what they are. This mindset also allows people to learn from their mistakes so that they aren’t putting themselves in the same stressful circumstances further down the road.
Believe it or not, many of the physical feelings of stress and anxiety that people experience are actually a matter of choice. You have the power to control much of your own physiology. Thus, if your heart is constantly racing and your stomach feels like it’s in knots, these are things that you can consciously change.
Diaphragmatic breathing is a great practice for those who are living with an inordinate amount of stress. It is a simple, meditative practice that you can do anywhere. Simply sit back, close your eyes and place your hand on your abdomen. Breath in through your nose while using your diaphragm muscle, so that the intake of air causes your belly to push out. Hold your breath for ten seconds and then slowly exhale through your mouth as your abdomen deflates.
Practicing diaphragmatic breathing for just ten minutes has been show to alter brain functioning and brain wave patterns. Not only will it make you feel calmer, but your body will respond in kind. Your heart rate will slow down and your stomach won’t be in knots.
If you feel a lot of stress, you should also stay away from stimulants. Stop drinking coffee or other caffeinated beverages. Enter a smoking cessation program and limit your intake of refined sugars. Small changes like these really do make a difference.
Physical exercise is another great weapon in your arsenal against chronic anxiety and stress. Start taking daily walks or invest in a stationary bike. These activities will cause your body to release a flood of mood-boosting chemicals known as endorphins. You could also sign up for a yoga class. Yoga training fosters greater breath and body consciousness and will give you an increased ability to control and alleviate negative emotions.
Source: Ezine Articles