Workout: Yoga Express
You will need: comfortable clothing, bare feet, a timer and a yoga mat or carpeted area.
Instructions: Hold each pose for 30 seconds or longer. Make sure to take big deep breaths. Inhale as your stomach comes out and exhale as your stomach goes in. Cycle through the poses as many times as you would like.
Mountain pose (focus on standing nice and tall and taking deep breaths)
Forward bend
Pigeon (with right leg forward)
Upward dog
Downward dog
Warrior 1 (with right leg forward)
Forward bend
Pigeon (with left leg forward)
Upward dog
Downward dog
Warrior 1 (with left leg forward)
Chair pose
Mountain pose
End with corpse pose for 2 to 4 minutes. Close your eyes and try to relax in a quiet place.